09 Conditions for inference for difference of means#

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy import stats, special


Conditions for inference for difference of means fig 1

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} (1)&\mbox{SRS}\\ (2)&\mbox{Independence}:\ \#\ \mbox{Sample} \le 10\%\ *\ \#\ \mbox{Population}\\ (3)&\mbox{Normality}:\ n\ge 30\mbox{, symmetric with small $n$, or normal} \\ \\ (1)&\mbox{SRS}:\ \mbox{Both samples are SRS}\\ (2)&\mbox{Independence}:\ \#\ \mbox{Sample}_i \le 10\%\ *\ \#\ \mbox{Population}_i\ \mbox{for both $i=1,2$}\\ (3)&\mbox{Normality}:\ n_i\ge 30\mbox{, symmetric with small $n_i$, or normal}\ \mbox{for both $i=1,2$}\\ \end{array}\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} (1)&\mbox{SRS}\\ (2)&\mbox{Independence}:\ \#\ \mbox{Sample} \le 10\%\ *\ \#\ \mbox{Population}\\ (3)&\mbox{Normality}:\ n\ge 30\mbox{, symmetric with small $n$, or normal} \\ \\ (1)&\mbox{SRS}\\ (2)&\mbox{Independence}:\ \#\ \mbox{Sample} \le 10\%\ *\ \#\ \mbox{Population}\\ (3)&\mbox{Normality}:\ n\ge 30\mbox{, symmetric with small $n$, or normal} \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]